As a revolutionary leader, mao zedong laid the economic, technological and cultural foundations of modern china, transforming the country from an agrarian society into a major world power. In this book mao discusses the differences between guerrilla and orthodox military forces, as well as how such forces can work together for a common goal. Jan 28, 2010 buy the red book of guerrilla warfare by zedong, mao, conners, shawn isbn. Fmfrp 1218 mao tsetung on guerrilla warfare marines.
Guerrilla warfare by ernesto che guevara written in 1961 table of contents click on a title to move to that section of the book. Chairman mao would later become the founding father of the peoples republic of china. Mao zedong, the father of modern guerrilla warfare theory. This paper will argue that as a result, his victory in the first congo civil war was far. Mar 06, 2012 based on mao s own experiences in fighting chiang kaisheks nationalists and his interpretations of the classic strategies of suntzu, on guerrilla warfare outlines the tactics that have proven effective around the world, from vietnamese jungles to middle eastern deserts. Mao wrote this small book in 1937 while leading the chinese red army.
In 1937, mao set his ideas out in a small book entitled on guerrilla warfare. Mao tsetung on guerrilla warfare great majority of its citizens. In his book on guerilla warfare he carefully outlines the definition. The three stages of maos revolutionary warfare parallel. Brief timeline 1930 mao writes a single spark can start a prairie fire 1945 chinese civil war begins, chiang kaishek vs. Mao relates the expansion in the theories, tactics and strategies of guerrilla warfare as practiced by the peoples liberation army in the chinese civil war. In 1944, the united states sent the dixie mission to meet mao and the communists.
Mao s sayings, printed in a little red book, were distributed during the cultural revolution. This big picture approach to a revolution resonates through the book and. Mao tsetung reference archive 2000 written by mao in 1937, when japanese imperialists occupied all of china, this book served as an instruction manual for guerrilla fighting, written based on more than a decade of personal experience by mao. The red book of guerrilla warfare ebook by mao zedong. Mao has aptly compared guerrillas to fish, and the people to the water in which they swim. Written by mao in 1937, when japanese imperialists occupied all of china, this book served as an instruction manual for guerrilla fighting, written based on more than a decade of personal experience by mao.
Based on the basic strategy and tactics of warfare as described by suntzu, mao stresses the importance. In january, su yu, a senior member of the military affairs committee, the communist party group that oversees the army, gave an important lecture on the need to update mao s ideas for modern warfare. Mao zedong s 22 years in the wilderness can be divided into four phases. Twelve years later, the nationalist chinese were rousted from the mainland, and mao consolidated his control of a new nation, having put his theories of revolutionary guerrilla warfare to the test. Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hitandrun tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and lessmobile traditional military.
This is one of the more famous quotes from mao zedongs small book on guerrilla warfare. How did mao zedong implement the guerrilla warfare tactic. Given this, it seems possible that if kabila had implemented maos advice during the first congo civil war, a revolution by any definition and, therefore, an arena for implementation of on guerrilla warfare, he could have proven to be far more successful in generating real political change via a far less brutal conflict in zaire. Mao zedong s classic book on resilience has been updated in an age of trade battles with the united states. By the spring of 1948, mao switched from guerrilla attacks to fullscale battles. This unit will help you support you in answering the paper 2 topics 10, 11 and 12. Irregular warfare, based on elements later characteristic of modern guerrilla warfare, has existed throughout the battles of many ancient civilizations. It is probable that guerrilla war, nationalist and revolu tionary in. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Open library is an initiative of the internet archive, a 501c3 nonprofit, building a digital library of internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Mao tsetung on guerrilla warfare great majority of its. On guerrilla warfare is mao s case for the extensive use of an irregular form of warfare in which small groups of combatants use mobile military tactics in the forms of ambushes and raids to combat a larger and less mobile formal army.
When mao wrote on guerrilla warfare in 1937 the chinese communist party ccp had been at war for a decade in one of the largest countries in the world. The reasons for the use of guerrilla warfare, and its. Published in 1961 following the cuban revolution, it became a reference for thousands of guerrilla fighters in various countries around the world. Phase i is devoted to the organization of an underground resistance movement to spread propaganda and elicit support for the. Review of the guerrilla war by sutherland, daniel e civil war history, vol. From 1937 to 1945, the enmity between the kmt and the communists was put to one side as both concentrated their resources on the japanese who had launched a fullscale invasion of china in 1937. Mao wrote on guerrilla warfare in 1937 while in retreat after ten years of battling the nationalist army of chiang kaishek. Mao zedong and his influence insurgency modern warfare post911 era military and political strategies deification guerilla warfare counterinsurgency revolutionary warfare chinese civil war authors and affiliations. Mao wrote the book in 1937 to convince chinese political and military leaders that guerilla styletactics were necessary for the chinese to use in the second sinojapanese war. Lessons from the history of guerrilla warfare speaker. The classic text on communist guerrilla warfare includes an excellent introduction by brigadier general samuel griffith. Given this, it seems possible that if kabila had implemented mao s advice during the first congo civil war, a revolution by any definition and, therefore, an arena for implementation of on guerrilla warfare, he could have proven to be far more successful in generating real political change via a far less brutal conflict in zaire.
A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery. In on protracted war, mao analyzes the fundamental questions of warfare from the. Selected military writings of mao tsetung by mao tsetung foreign. Document excerpts with questions longer selection follows this section.
This reference publication is mao tsetungs thoughts and philosophy of guerrilla warfare. Those activities, however, were regarded even by their protagonists, and still more by the central. This site is like a library, use search box in the widget to get ebook that you want. In the late 1920s and 30s the chinese communists under the leadership of mao zedong, perhaps the worlds leading theorist of modern guerrilla warfare, conducted a largescale guerrilla war, along with mobile and positional warfare, against both the kuomintang and the japanese in n china. This is perhaps why mao calls his doctrine the algebra of revolution. Mao refers to a bevy of wars from different continents to support his belief that. In 1937, mao tsetung wrote this manual on revolutionary guerrilla warfare during the japanese invasion of china. If there also exists even the nucleus of a revolutionary party able to supply doctrine and organization, only one ingredient is needed. Tackling one of the most prevalent myths about insurgencies, this book examines and rebuts the popular belief that mao zedong created a fundamentally new form of warfare that transformed the nature of modern insurgency.
While guerrilla tactics can be viewed as a natural continuation of prehistoric warfare, the chinese general and strategist sun tzu, in his the art of war 6th century bce, was the earliest to propose the use of guerrilla warfare. Then he urged a guerrilla warfare approach, with a steady onslaught of small. If the political temperature is right, the fish, however few in number, will thrive and proliferate. A retouched picture released by chinese official news agency of mao zedong, chairman of the chinese communist party from 1935 until his death in 1976, delivering. Read the red book of guerrilla warfare by mao zedong available from. In 1937, mao tsetung wrote this manual on revolutionary guerrilla warfare. In it, he laid out a clear, succinct, and comprehensive strategy for victory in a revolutionary struggle. The father of chinese revolution and chinese civil war. In many countries, there are but two classes, the rich and the miserably poor. On guerrilla warfare ch 2 marxists internet archive. Problems of strategy in guerilla war against japan problems of strategy in guerilla war against japan by mao tsetung in may 1938 selected works of mao tsetung. The book is written in the context of chinas guerrilla war against japanese. Mao saw the peoples war, as he called it, progressing. For example, my multiple readings of art of war, which mao mentions multiple times in direct.
Guerrilla warfare alone, he realized, could not achieve this, but in a prolonged war it was an indispensable weapon, particularly in holding off the enemy chinese and japanese until orthodox armies could take to the field mao s guerrilla campaign of over two decades stressed the flexible tactics based on surprise. It is important to understand his philosophy of guerrilla warfare because it is the basis of todays guerrilla forces. He was the mastermind who basically predicted how the war in china will proceed against japan. Our next unit will explore the rise and rule of mao zedong. From on guerrilla warfare, by mao tsetung, translated by samuel b. Having already had ten years guerrilla experience, mao was already an expert, and in this book. On guerrilla warfare is mao zedong s case for the extensive use of an irregular form of warfare in which small groups of combatants use mobile military tactics in the forms of ambushes and raids to combat a larger and less mobile formal army.
Lun youji zhan is mao zedongs case for the extensive use of an irregular form of warfare in which small groups of combatants use mobile military tactics in the forms of ambushes and raids to combat a larger and less mobile formal army. In his book, mao describes guerrilla warfare as one of many methods used by an oppressed people to combat aggression. Mao on warfare compiles mao zedongs principal works on martial theory, including on. Because had imperial japan did not start the war of invasion, how c. Mao on warfare compiles mao zedongs principal works on martial theory, including on guerrilla warfare and on protracted war. Read mao tsetung on guerrilla warfare by mao tsetung available from rakuten kobo. That book, published in 1965, is war of the flea, by robert taber, an investigative journalist who covered castros operations in the late 1950s. On guerrilla warfare, by chairman mao tsetung chapter 0 prologue. He believed in the rights for the peasant people of china. Selections from on guerilla warfare asia for educators columbia.
Mao zedong or mao tsetung mou dzudoong, 18931976, founder of the peoples republic of china. Mao s political goal was the communist takeover of china. Prescient in his thinking and concise in his expression, mao conceived of. Guerrilla warfare was influenced by two books from the spanish civil war. See all books authored by mao zedong, including on guerrilla warfare, and quotations from chairman mao tsetung, and more on. May 26, 2015 it was during this time that mao developed his knowledge about guerrilla warfare that he was to use with great effect in the civil war against the kmt once the war with japan had ended in 1945. The war is generally divided into two phases with an interlude. Document excerpts with questions longer selection follows this section from on guerrilla warfare, by mao tsetung, translated by samuel b. One of the most original military thinkers of the twentieth century was mao zedong 1893 1976, the communist revolutionary who became the founding father of the peoples republic of china. This book is not so much a howto venture on the tactics of waging a guerrilla war. Equally dangerous is the concept that condemns guerrilla war on the ground that war has no other aspects than the purely orthodox. At first, the war was waged against the nationalist kuomintang kmt who ruled most of the country. He starts off by stating that his theory of guerilla warfare only applies to the specific time and situation faced by china. On guerrilla warfare, on protracted war, and other.
Mao tsetung on guerrilla warfare ebook by mao tsetung. He then argues that the issue of the war in china was that victory can only be achieved by total warfare. Whether youve loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. Mao wrote the book in 1937 to convince chinese political and military leaders. Mao and the communists continued to employ guerrilla warfare in the struggle against the japanese beginning in 1937. He literally wrote the book on the modern theory of insurgency.
Manipulating the regiments desire to capture mao, the latter would stay just out of reach to tire the soldiers following him, deliberately telegraphing his moves, and then successfully attacked the weakest enemy brigade. Maos political goal was the communist takeover of china. December 26, 1893 september 9, 1976, also known as chairman mao, was a chinese communist revolutionary who became the founding father of the peoples republic of china prc, which he ruled as the chairman of the communist party of china from its establishment in 1949 until his death in 1976. Who did the superpowers support in the chinese civil war. Jul 31, 20 mao on warfare compiles mao zedong s principal works on martial theory, including on guerrilla warfare and on protracted war. Mao tsetung wrote on guerrilla warfare in 1937 while fighting the japanese imperial army as it occupied china. Fleet marine force reference publication fmfrp 1218, mao tsetung on guerrilla warfare, is published to ensure the retention and dissemi nation of useful information which is not intended to become doctrine or to be published in fleet marine force manuals. It gives the reader a chance to learn about this type of warfare from one who lived and fought as a guerrilla for most of his adult life. List of books and articles about guerrilla warfare online research. An opinion that admits the existence of guerrilla war, but isolates it, is one that does not properly estimate the potentialities of such war. On guerrilla warfare work by mao zedong britannica. The book is written in the context of chinas guerrilla war against japanese occupiers. In on guerrilla warfare, mao explores chinas long history of guerrilla warfare, beginning with the chu and han dynasties. For mao, then, life and warfare are the same thinga series of transactions, encounters, or bouts between unequal quantities.
The one strong feature of guerrilla warfare in a civil struggle is its quality. Topics among the hundreds of entries by experts in the field include sunzis classic the art of war, mao zedong s guerrilla warfare in the 20th century, chinese involvement in the korean war and vietnam war, and chinas nuclear program in the 21st century. The chinese civil war occured between 1927 and 1949, and resulted in the victory of the ccp, which then cemented its control over china. It is therefore the principal concern of all guerrilla leaders to get the water to the right temperature and to keep it there. On guerrilla warfare is mao zedongs case for the extensive use of an irregular form of warfare in which small groups of combatants use mobile military tactics in the forms of ambushes and raids to combat a larger and less mobile formal army. Click download or read online button to get mao zedong book now. Lets see what mao zedong had to say about it himself. Although the text has been compared to mao zedongs on guerrilla warfare, guevara claimed not to have read maos book. The experience of the war laid the foundations of the new peoples republic and the militarization of society that followed throughtout the war. Japan doesnt have to say sorry, you had contributed towards china, why. The chinese civil war was a civil war in china fought between the kuomintang kmtled government of the republic of china roc and the communist party of china cpc lasting intermittently between 1927 and 1949. Mao carefully used guerrilla warfare in the final stage of gmdccp rivalry during civil war from 1945 to. Mao was one of the most prominent communist theoreticians and his ideas on revolutionary struggle and guerrilla warfare have been extremely influential, especially among third world revolutionaries.
The two most important essays on the topic of guerrilla warfare. The kmt army treated the peasants brutally during the civil war stealing their horses and equipment and never got support from peasants. It was during this time that mao developed his knowledge about guerrilla warfare that he was to use with great effect in the civil war against the kmt once the war. Mao tsetung wrote on guerrilla warfare in 1937 while fighting the japanese. Clearly guerrilla operations are an important component of revolutionary war, but the underlying principle and. Civil war broke out in 1946, ending in a victory by mao zedong s communist forces and the creation of the peoples republic of china. Maos ideas on war are losing ground the new york times. China revisits maos classic book on warfare with trade.
The history of guerrilla warfare stretches back to ancient history. The myth of mao zedong and modern insurgency springerlink. A history of guerrilla warfare how the weak vanquish the strong. This special edition contains the two most important essays by mao on guerrilla warfare tactics in a new, completely uncensored format.
What were the results of mao zedong s great leap forward and cultural revolution. Origins of modern guerrilla warfare of protracted revolutionary war, maos on guerrilla warfare 1937, which was later called the most radical, violent and extensive theory of war ever put into effect. During the chinese civil war between the kuomintang kmt and the cpc, mao. Mao zedong books list of books by author mao zedong. Many scholars make the mistake of confusing maos teachings about insurgency with his actual actions in the chinese revolutionary civil war of 1917 to 1949. In a war of revolutionary character, guerrilla operations are a necessary part. Its difficult to make sense of the tactical decisions made by ho chi minh and general vo nguyen giap during the indochina wars without understanding.
A history of guerrilla warfare how the weak vanquish the. List of books and articles about mao tsetung online. Chairman mao would later become the founding father of the peoples republic of. On guerrilla warfare is mao zedongs case for the extensive use of an irregular. Mao is our final leader of an authoritarian state, a key figure in a civil war and an important player in a number of cold war crises. Guerrilla warfare alone, he realized, could not achieve this, but in a prolonged war it was an indispensable weapon, particularly in holding off the enemy chinese and japanese until orthodox armies could take to the field. Paper 2 maos rise to power and the chinese civil war. List of books and articles about guerrilla warfare online.
Other readers will always be interested in your opinion of the books youve read. Mao zedongs on guerrilla warfare and joseph kabilas lost. On guerrilla warfare by chairman mao zedong chapter 0. Mao zedong 18931976 leader of chinese communist party president of popular china 19491959 and 19681976, here c. Dec 15, 2017 putting asides politics, mao zedong was one of the most tactful military leaders of the 20th century. Mao tsetung on guerrilla warfare self defense company.
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